英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:31:32
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. now and then or here and there

e.g. he was arrogant and occasionally callous
open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees
they visit New York on occasion
now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us
as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention

Synonym: occasionallyon occasiononce in a whilenow and thenat timesfrom time to time

1. 有时:13. once again 再一次 | 14. now and again有时 | 15. at the age of 在...几岁时

2. 不时地,间或:one after another 一个接一个 | now and again 不时地,间或 | over and over again 一再地

3. 不时:Now accaunt 可转让活期存款帐户 | now and again 不时 | now and then 偶尔

4. now and again的近义词

4. 不时地, 有时候:291come to达到某状态 | 292now and again不时地, 有时候 | 293call for需求,要求

It might look like fun, but there are reports that animals are hurt now and again.(这可能看起来很有趣,但有报道称动物们仍不时受伤。)
Now and again other men joined in, and all followed the discussion with cigarettes going out in their hands and with alert, intent faces.(所有的人都紧跟着讨论的进程,手上的香烟渐渐熄灭,脸上露出敏锐的专注的神色。)
Every now and again evolution throws up a new kind of creature that goes on to colonize most of the world.(进化不时会演化出一种会继续开拓世界大部分领土的新生物。)
It's a good idea to lift your head and take a look around every now and again.(不时的抬起头来看看周围的情况是一个好主意。)
We see each other every now and again.(我们偶尔相见。)
They are the civilised world, and know themselves to be such by virtue of righteously disembowelling the odd barbarian now and again.(他们是文明世界的,但现在他们的美德就是去理直气壮的去开膛破肚,这种让人不解的野蛮行径。)
The facilitator should work through the timings in advance and vary the exercises every now and again.(主持人应该预先做完时间的分配工作并不时地改变练习。)
But that doesn't mean you don't want a doughnut every now and again.(但这并不意味着你不想时不时地吃个甜甜圈了。)
Now and again, too, the crude yellow gleam was broken by a few clumps of caper or of liquorice.(那片枯黄的光芒也时常掺杂着几丛刺山柑和甘草的青绿。)
Even the most positive, well-adjusted person in the world still falls victim to his or her own negative thoughts now and again.(就算是世界上最乐观的,适应性最强的人也会偶尔变成他或她自己消极思想的牺牲品。)
now and again是什么意思 now and again在线翻译 now and again什么意思 now and again的意思 now and again的翻译 now and again的解释 now and again的发音 now and again的同义词